Step 1: Download the FCEUX emulator v. 2.2.3

Step 2: You must have an English Dr. Mario NES ROM. Most English versions play well together as long as you do not use a beta version of the ROM. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT ASSIST YOU IN FINDING A ROM. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND.

Step 3: Download the dmvs.lua file from this link:

Place it in your FCEUX folder so that you can find it easily.

Step 4: In FCEUX, go to File -> Open ROM and select your Dr. Mario ROM.

Step 5: After the title screen appears, go to File -> Lua -> New Lua Script Window.

Step 6: A new window called Lua Script will appear. In this window, click Browse.

Step 7: Navigate to your FCEUX folder and click on dmvs.lua, then click Open.

Step 8: You will return to the Lua Script window. In the Arguments field, type:


--relay host

Step 9: Click Run. In the Output Console field, a number will appear. This is your connection number. It will often be a single digit. In this example, the connection number is “0”.

Give this connection number to your opponent. You may then minimize the Lua Script window, but DO NOT CLOSE IT. Your game may appear to be paused until your opponent completes the necessary steps on their end, this is normal.

Step 10: Your opponent must also follow steps 1 through 7. Then, in their Arguments field, they must type:

--relay [connection number]

...where [connection number] is the number you gave them. For example, if the connection number is 0, it should look like this:

You should both see an Initialized message in FCEUX in the bottom left-corner once the connection is ready. It should look like this:

Your opponent can then minimize the Lua Script window but DO NOT CLOSE IT.

Step 11: Go to 2 PLAYER GAME. Both players should be able to change their level/speed. If your opponent’s level/speed don’t appear to be correct on your screen, that should be fine. When both players are ready, hit START, and your VS game will begin!

NOTE: There may be cases where your game may
desync from your opponent. It should be rare for this to happen, but if it does, the connection will have to be set up again. Both players should close and reopen FCEUX and follow the steps above from the beginning.